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TOP STORY: Bryson Quailed Before Storm; Man Brave Under Shellfire Feared Thunder; Reminded Him Of Argonne, He Said —A man, bravely serving his country as a skilled surgeon under withering shellfire during the world war, and this same man, cringing, palsied with fear, before a thunderstorm four years later. This was the picture witnesses for the defense painted with their testimony today of Dr. Herbert Bryson, former officer of the Forty-second (Rainbow) Division on trial for his life here on the charge of slaying his soul-mate, the wife of another. The ‘top” sergeant who served with Major Bryson when the accused physician was commanding officer of the One hundred and Sixty-fifth field hospital took the stand and graphically described his and Dr. Bryson’s experiences when the Rainbow division entered its first offensive against the German lines. “Dr. Bryson was not more than five hundred yards from me”, said the former comrade of the accused man. “Artillery fire continue all through the night. It was so intense you could read by the red glare of the fire. They attacked just before morning. Shells were falling everywhere. I was knocked down by the concussion of one, and I picked up three other men who had been stunned. I saw Dr. Bryson that morning. The wounded were being loaded into an ambulance for the trip back. Majors were working with privates carrying the liters to the ambulance. Major Bryson did splendid work, and was under the heaviest shell fire possible.” The other picture of Dr. Bryson was given by a neighbor at whose house the accused man was stopping during a thunder storm. “He pulled his raincoat over this eyes,” and appeared to be trying to hide from the storm,” the neighbor testified. “He trembled and our efforts to reassure him were futile. ‘It reminds me of the Argonne,’ he told us,” the witness declared. It is in the Argonne, the defense will attempt to show that Dr. Bryson collapsed after the strain of five battles and engagements.
Moran’s Club Has Climbed Steadily — The Cincinnati Reds, who come here for an exhibition game with Grimison’s Yellow Dogs on Wednesday, Sept. 27th, were one of the worst looking teams in baseball when they started the 1921 campaign. They had won the pennant and world’s title under Pat Moran in 1919, had got out of hand the following year and were no good to anyone least of al themselves. The scribes have the Reds picked to win the National league pennant next year. They have the best team of young players in the circuit. Pat Moran will have his regular line-up with him here next Wednesday.
Rebecca can be reached at
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Partly cloudy this evening with more clouds for overnight. Low 44F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy this evening with more clouds for overnight. Low 44F. Winds light and variable.
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